The Clubhouse is the social center of the Marlbank Recreation Association (MRA). It has been the scene of many parties and holiday events such as the annual Oyster Roast and Christmas Party. The facility is capable of holding as many as 388 people standing and 194 people sitting.
The clubhouse can be rented by members (Full, Associate, and Social) and non-members alike. Members enjoy a significant discount on the rental rate but it is priced to be affordable for the nonmember also.
The clubhouse would be a wonderful place to host your next function. Please contact the building rentals coordinator to find out about pricing and availability. Please keep in mind that Swimming Pool access is NOT included as part of a clubhouse rental.
If you would like information about renting our clubhouse or pool for your next event contact us at:
MRA Members - $175
Non-Members - $475
$150 - Additional to include use of the pool. Renter must also pay for additional lifeguards, 1 per 20 guests @ $15/hour.
Rental Fee is for the full day. Checks payable to “MRA”
Please make separate payments for SECURITY DEPOSIT and RENTAL FEE
Rental of the Marlbank Recreation Association (MRA) building shall be reserved for the date requested upon receipt of a $100 SECURITY DEPOSIT.
The PERSON IN CHARGE of the event (and the MRA MEMBER/SPONSOR) is fully responsible for:
If alcohol is served without a permit, the security deposit will not be refunded.